Rhifedd - Numeracy
Blwyddyn 3 / Year 3
- Dysgu tablau hyd at 2, 5, 10, 3 a 4 / Learn times tables up to 2, 5, 10, 3 and 4;
- Ysgrifennu rhifau hyd at fil / Writing number to a thousand;
- Adio a thynnu 1, 10 a 100 at unrhyw rif / Adding and subtracting 1, 10 and 100 at any number;
- Amcangyfrif i'r 10 a'r 100 agosaf / Estimating to the nearest 10 and 100;
Dilyniannau rhif e.e. cyfrif fesul 2, 3, 4 o wahanol bwyntiau cychwyn / Number sequences i.e. counting by 2, 3, 4 from different starting points;
Adio tri rhif dau-ddigid /Add three two-digit numbers;
- Defnyddio arian i dalu am a chyfri newid hyd at £5 / Use money to pay for items and calculate change up to £5;
- Darllen yr amser ar gloc analog a digidol i'r pum munud agosaf / Tell the time on an analogue and digital clock to the nearest five minutes;
- Adnabod rhifau negyddol mewn cyd-destun tymheredd / To recognise negative numbers in the context of temperature
Blwyddyn 4/Year 4
- Adio, tynnu, lluosi a rhannu / Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
- Dysgu tablau 2, 5, 10, 3 a 4 / Learn times tables 2, 5, 10, 3 and 4
- Ysgrifennu rhifau hyd at deg mil / Writing numbers up to ten thousand
- Adio a thynnu 1, 10 a 100 at unrhyw rif / Adding and subtracting 1, 10 and 100 at any number
- Amcangyfrif i'r 10 a'r 100 agosaf / Estimating to the nearest 10 and 100
- Cyfri ymlaen ac yn ol mewn camau sy'n ailadrodd / Count forwards and backwards in repetitive steps.
- Defnyddio arian i dalu am a chyfri newid hyd at £10 / Use money to pay for items and calculate change up to £10
- Adnabod rhifau negyddol mewn cyd-destun tymheredd / To recognise negative numbers in the context of temperature.
- Lluosi rhifau 2 digid gyda rhifau 1 digid / To multiply 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers.
- Defnyddio strategaethau meddwl i luosi a rhannu rhifau 2 ddigid â rhif 1 digid / Multiply and divide 2 digit numbers with a single digit number.
- Dechrau darganfod gweddill ar ôl rhannu / Use remainder after dividing.